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Undergradute Volunteer Opportunities

We welcome students from a range of backgrounds and with varying interests into the all the archaeology labs. We are currently looking for volunteers to help us organize and digitize our reference paleobotanical collections and to help sorting and identifying archaeological samples (Please email Prof. D’Alpoim Guedes  to get started). The archaeology labs accept new volunteers on an ongoing basis.

Undergraduate research internships

Students with at least one semester of experience volunteering in the laboratory may work with Prof. D’Alpoim Guedes to develop a directed research project in the laboratory. Such projects may be an analysis of plant remains from archaeological sites for course credit or in select circumstances for funding.  Undergraduates (juniors and seniors) can also get course credit by applying to the Faculty Mentor program ( or if they will seniors, the Senior Honor Thesis Program in the Department of Anthropology (see