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Doctoral Alumni

2006 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Technology and Social Process: Oscillations in Iron Age Copper Production and Power in Southern Jordan

2005 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Ted Gideonse

Risky Subjectivity: The Effects of Cultural Discourses of Addiction on Methamphetamine Using HIV+Men Who Have Sex with Men in San Diego

Dr. Charlotte van den Hout

Hysteria on the Borderline: Mental Illness, Cultural Change, and Subjective Experience Among Women in Morocco

Dr. Ana Paula Pimental Walker

Face-to-Face Citizenship: the Effects, Ethics, andAesthetics of Participatory Budgeting in Porto Alegre,Brazil

2004 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Eli Elinoff

Architectures of Citizenship: Democracy, Development, and the Politics of Participation in Thailand's Railway Communities

Dr. Naomi Haynes

Ambitious Obligations: Pentecostalism, Social Life, and Political Economy on the Zambian Copperbelt

Dr. Edward F. Kennedy

The Politics of Representing the Past in Bolivia

Dr. Anna Pagano

Health in Black and White: Debates on Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in Brazil

Dr. Alexander K. Piel

Savanna Sounds: Using Remote Acoustic Sensing to Study Spatiotemporal Patterns in Wild Chimpanzee Loud Vocalizations in the Issa Valley, Ugalla, Western Tanzania

Dr. Noga Shemer

Public Ideologies and Personal Meaning-Making in Postcolonial Grenada

2003 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Ulrike Ulli Green

Controlling Food Production and Consumption - Wari Imperial Strategies at Cerro Trapiche, Moquegua

Dr. F. Chandler Hallman

Debating Death: Discourse and Legitimacy in the Northern Irish victims' rights movement

Dr. Sonja A. Schwake

The Social Implications of Ritual Behavior in the Maya Lowlands: A Perspective from the Maya site of Minanha, Belize

Dr. Brendan Thornton

The Cultural Politics of Evangelical Christianity in the Dominican Republic

2002 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Marc Beherec

Nomads in Transition: Mortuary Archaeology in the Lowlands of Edom (Jordan)

Dr. Tara Carter

Rethinking Secondary State Formation in Medieval Iceland: Trade and Social Connectivity in the Norse Economic Territory

Dr. Sandra Chacko

“Why Do Females Live in Groups? Dominance, Grooming, and Experimental Testing of the Effects of Food Distribution on the Behavior of Commensal Bonnet Macaque (Macaca radiata) Females

Dr. Andrew W. Froehle

Physical Activity and Metabolic Physiology in Postmenopausal Women: An Evolutionary Approach

Dr. Heather M. Spector


Suburban Citizenship

2001 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Nicole Barger

“Social Behavior from a Comparative Neuroanatomical Perspective: The Amygdala in Human Evolution"

Dr. Ashwin Budden BUDDEN

Moral Worlds and Therapeutic Quests: A study of medical pluralism and treatment seeking in the Lower Amazon

Dr. Alyssa Noelani CRITTENDEN

Allomaternal Care and Juvenile Foraging among theHazda: Implications for the Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in Humans

Dr. Jason A. DANELY

Departure and Return: Abandonment, Memorial and Aging in Japan


Secondary State Formation During the Early Iron Age onthe Island of Sri Lanka: The Evolution of a Periphery


All This Dies with Us: The Decline and Revision of a Mestizo Gentry (Chumbivilcas, Cuzco, Peru)

Dr. Neil Gordon SMITH

Social Boundaries and State Formation in Ancient Edom:A comparative ceramic approach

Dr. Jeffrey Wescott

“The Good Lake, the Possible Sea:Ethics and Environment in Northern Vanuatu”

2000 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Ideologies of Language and Gesture among Q'eqchi'-Maya Mainstream and Charismatic Catholics

Dr. Leslie LEWIS

Piety and Activism in Egypt: Reflections on Framing, Motivation, Contradiction, and Desire

Dr. Adolfo MUNIZ

Feeding the Periphery: Modeling Changing Early Bronze Age Environments and the Cultural Landscape of the Wadi Fidan, Southern Jordan


Devoted Abandonment: The Children Left Behind by Parental Emigration in Ecuador

Dr. Natalie M. SCHENKER

Comparative Analysis of Broca's Area in Hominoids

Dr. Ryan E. SCHRAM

Feast of Water: Christianity and the EconomicTransformation of a Melanesian Society

1998 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Yoav ARBEL

The Historical Impact and Archaeological Reflections of Intense Religious Movements

Dr. Jon Anthony BIALECKI

The Kingdom and its Subjects: Charisms, Language, Economy, and the Birth of a Progressive Politics in the Vineyard

Dr. Angelica MARCELLO

Contemplating the Evolution of Attachment and Cognition in a Collaborative Learning Environment

Dr. Jonathan S. MARION

Dance as Self, Culture, and Community: The Construction of Personal and Collective Meaning and Identity in Competitive Ballroom and Salsa Dancing

Dr. Jennifer POURNELLE

Marshland of Cities: Deltaic Landscapes and the Evolution of Early Mesopotamian Civilization

1997 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Casting a Wide Net: Decision-Making in a Mexican Marine Park

Dr. Gregory SIMON

Self and Moral Obligations of Husbands and Fathers in a West Sumatran City

1996 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Margie BURTON

Collapse, Continuity, and Transformation: Tracking Protohistoric Social Change Through Ceramic Analysis. Case Studies of Late 5th-Early 4th Millennium Societies in the Southern Levant

Dr. Bambi CHAPIN

Hierarchy, Envy, and Spirit Possession: Case Studies of Internalization Among Sinhala Women in Central Sri Lanka

Dr. Timothy "Cage" HALL

Social Change, Mental Health, and the Evolution of the Gay Male Identities: A Clinical Ethnography of Post-Communist Prague


Culture and Cognitive Psychodynamics in Vietnamese-American Families

Dr. Joylin NAMIE

Good Intentions: Women, Diet, and Food Choice in "America's Finest City"

1995 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Steven G. CARLISLE

The Self Divided: Obligation and Solitude in Contemporary Thailand

Dr. Ashidara DAS

Asian Indian Immigrant Women in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area: Work, Home, and the Construction of the Self


Digo Discontents & the Future of Conservation Illusions in Kenya

1994 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Shawn M. BENDER

Drumming Between Tradition and Modernity: Taiko and Neo-Folk Performance in Contemporary Japan

Dr. Sharla BLANK

Women Don't Want to Stoop Too Low: Help-Seeking Among Female Household Heads in Dominica, West Indies

Dr. Marcia S. REGO

Echoes From an Empire, Voices of the Nation: Hierarchy, Disorder, Speech, and Textuality in Cape Verde


A Matter of Life & Death: End-of-Life Decisions in Jerusalem, Israel: Cultural, Legal, Medical, and Ethical Considerations

Dr. LiAnne S. YU

The Reemergence of Vietnam's Ethnic Chinese Community through Local, National, and Transnational Structures

1993 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Hearths and Modernity: The Role of Women in NGOs in Post-Soviet Armenia

Dr. Lisa ROSEN

Calculating Concerns: The Poltics of Representation in California's "Math Wars"

Dr. João H. Costa VARGAS

Blacks in the City of Angels' Dust


Prodigal Sons & Daughters of Job: Navigating the Moral Landscape of AIDS.

Dr. Deana WEIBEL

Kidnapping the Virgin: The Reinterpretation of a Roman Catholic Shrine by Religious Creatives

1992 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Jeffrey D. BASS

In Exile From the Self: Identity, Politics, and Psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires

Dr. Jason JAMES

Imagining Restoration: Loss and Redemption in an East German Cityscape

Dr. Leila MADGE

Managing & Manipulating Modernity: Middle-Class Women and the Japanese Nation-State


Settling In: New Indian Communities & the Transformation of Citizenship in Mexico

1991 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Thomas K. BROWN

Spiritual Seekers & "Finding a Spiritual Home": An Ethnographic Investigation of Conversion to Christian Spiritualist Churches in Southern California.

Dr. Rebecca LESTER

My Name Would Be Jerusalem: Religious Formation & the Transformation of Subjectivity in a Mexican Convent

Dr. Marc L. "Marco" MOSKOWITZ

Fetus-Spirits: New Ghosts in Modern Taiwan

Dr. Julia OFFEN

Beyond the Ring: The European Traveling Circus

1990 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Culture and Economy in Cuba's Transition: An Anthropological Perspective

Dr. Andrew BROWN

Existing on Ogorodnaia Street: Accommodations & Confrontations with a Post-Soviet Economy (Kazakstan)

Dr. Heather L. CLAUSSEN

Un(convent)ional Sisterhood: Feminist Catholic Nuns in the Philippines


Coming of Age in the Barrio: Girls, Gangs, and Growing-Up


Warriors & Survivors: The Culture of Sobriety in Northern Cheyenne Women's Narratives

Dr. Elizabeth THROOP

Net Curtains & Closed Doors: Intimacy, Public Life, and the Family in Dublin

1989 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Joseph P. MASCO

The Nuclear Borderlands: The Legacy of the Manhattan Project in Post-Cold War New Mexico

Dr. Andrew C. WILLFORD

Cage of Freedom: The Politics of Tamil & Hindu Identity in Malaysia & Bangalore, South India

1988 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Polish Youth in Transition: Nation, Self, and Other in Post-Communist Poland


Big Words, Little People : Cash and Ken in Modern Rajasthan

1987 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Modeling Animism : In Defense of an Old Illusion

Dr. Susan L. BROWN

This Is the Real Bahamas: Solidarity and Identity in Cat Island


Fishing for Cognition : An Ethnography of Fishing Practice in a Community on the West Coast of Sweden

Dr. William REESE

The Writer, the West, and the People: Calcutta's Populist Literary Tradition

1986 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Alexander H. BOLYANATZ

Matriliny and mortuary feasting among the Sursurunga of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea

Dr. Daniel M. T. FESSLER

A Small Field With a Lot of Hornets: An Exploration of Shame, Motivation, and Social Control

Dr. Kendall W. KROESEN

Es Otra Cosa: Emotion and World View in a Mexican Town

1985 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Kevin K. BIRTH

Any Time Is Trinidad Time: Time and Social Organization in Eastern Trinidad


An Invisible Universe of Evil: Supernatural Malevolence and Personal Experience Among Amazon Peasants

Dr. Alasdair S. DONALD

Stories of the 'Real Self': A Psychological Analysis of Popular Illness Categories in the Secular West

Dr. Elisa J. SOBO

The Jamaican Body: A Study of the Use of Traditional Health Beliefs

1984 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Eva M. BAGG

Children's Uses of Culture Through Self-Presentation: A Study of a Cretan Boy and Girl

1983 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Eiko TADA

Maintaining a Balance: Between Hito ("Person") and Kojin ("Individual") in a Japanese Farming Community

1982 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Daniel J. DOYLE

Democracy in the Context of Fraud: The Mexican Presidental Election of 1988

Dr. Sara Ann DICKEY

Going to the Pictures in Madurai: Social, Psychological, and Political Aspects of Cinema in Urban Working Class South India

1981 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Karen BRISON

Gossip, Innuendo, and Sorcery: Village Politics Among the Kwanga, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea

Dr. Stephen L. EYRE

Revival Christianity Among the Urat of Papua New Guinea: Some Possible Motivational and Perceptual Antecedents

Dr. Brian P. FARLEY

Existential Dilemmas. Anxiety. and Social Control in a Tlaxcalan Village


Animal Traction at Agbassa: The Change From Hoes and Plows on a Government-Sponsored Land Settlement Project in Northern Togo

Dr. Rebecca M. JOSEPH

Diffused Batik Production in Central Java

Dr. Stephen LEAVITT

Cargo. Christ. and Nostalgia for the Dead: Themes of Intimacy and Abandonment in Bumbita Arapesh Social Experience

Dr. Yasuko WACHI

What comes next? Native Americans of San Diego County: A Study of Uncertainty for an Ethnic Minority Group of Southern California

1980 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Aspects of Cheating in a South Indian Market

Dr. Daniel T. LINGER

Beyond Carnaval : Dangerous Ritual in São Luis


Culture and Self: A Study of Cultural Ideas in the Discourse of Five American Psychotherapy Patients


The Sign of the Cross: Folk Catholicism in a Rural Yucatecan Community

1979 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Michael A. DOWNS

Sociocultural Change and Ethnic Identity: The Effect of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act in Unalaska, Alaska

Dr. Eugene S. KUMEKAWA

Person, Group, And Context : The Foundations of Ethnic Identity Among the Chinese in Fiji

Dr. Steven PARISH

Hierarchy and Person in the Moral World of the Newars


The Power of Demeanor: Charismatic Leadership in a Spiritual Organization

Dr. Elizabeth STERN

Conflicts in a Swiss valley


Tradition and Community in Modern Japan: Tradition as a Mediating Agent in Social Change at the Family and Local Level

1978 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Mark W. BUSSE

Sister Exchange Among the Wamek of the Middle Fly

Dr. John DART

Ethnic Identity and Marginality Among the Coast Veddas of Sri Lanka


The Maintenance of Family Values in a Yugoslav Town


Renunciation and Monasticism Among the Jainas of India

Dr. Douglas HOLLAN

"Disruptive" Behavior in a Toraja Community


A Psychocultural Study of Loss and Death Among the Toraja

1977 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Kathleen BARLOW

Learning Cultural Meanings Through Social Relationships : An Ethnography of Childhood in Murik Society, Papua New Guinea

Dr. Ernestine McHUGH

The Social, Cultural, and Personal Worlds of the Gurungs of Nepal

1976 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Joshua AKONG'A

Social Training: Perspectives on Obedience and Autonomy in Boys Among the Swahili of Old Town, Mombasa and the Upper-Middle Class of La Jolla, California

Dr. Daniel W. FORSYTH

Motivational Bases for Conformity to Religious Norms

Dr. David M. LIPSET

Authority and the Maternal Presence: An Interpretive Ethnography of Murik Lakes Society (East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea)

1975 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Ruth L. MOORE

Women and Warriors: Defending Islam in the Southern Philippines


The Political Significance of Fishing Cooperatives: A Mexican Case Study

Dr. Betsy R. STRICK

Ideology and Expressive Culture in the Druze Family

1974 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Cultural Process in Malaysian Industrialization: A Study of Malay Women Factory Workers

Dr. Bruce M. HARRIS

What Go 'Round, Come 'Round: Dissimilation in a Caribbean Society

Dr. Sandra C. MURRAY

All in the Family: A Study Of Family Life in a Jat-Sikh Village

Dr. Lawrence A. PALINKAS

The Force of Words: Rhetoric and Social Change in a Chinese Christian Community

1973 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Namika RABY

Bureaucracy, Politics, and Society in a Provincial Town in Sri Lanka

Dr. George SCOTT

Migrants Without Mountains: The Politics of Sociocultural Adjustment Among the Lao Hmong Refugees in San Diego

Dr. Elizabeth YOUNG

Topeng in Bali: Change and Continuity in a Traditional Drama Genre

1972 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Kevin A. AVRUCH

American Immigrants in Israel: Social Identities and Change

Dr. James MacMURRAY

Modernization and Psychopathology: An Anthropological Perspective of the Borderline Personality Syndrome


In the Shadows of Saints : Aspects of Family and Religion in a Rural Irish Gaeltacht

Dr. Terry TOMBS

Women, Politics and Social Change in Spain


Family Culture, Behavior, and Emotion in a Working-Class German Town

1971 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Self-Esteem and Reputation Management Among Lower Class Males of a Southern Mexican Town

Dr. Peter D. BELL

Social Change and Social Perception in a Rural Hungarian Village

Dr. M. Griffin DIX

The East Asian Country of Propriety: Confucianism in a Korean Village

Dr. Paula F. LEVIN

Students and Teachers on Tubuai: A Cultural Analysis of Polynesian Classroom Interaction

Dr. Michael W. MELTZER

Psychosocial Activity Among Elderly Members of the Legal Profession

Dr. Michael D. MURPHY

Between the Virgin and the Whore: Local Community and the Nuclear Family in Seville, Spain

Dr. Joseph NALVEN

The Politics of Urban Growth: A Case Study Of Community Formation in Cali, Colombia

Dr. Michael K. ORBACH

The Cultural Systems of the Tuna Seinermen of San Diego, California

Dr. George R. SAUNDERS

The Family Bond: Individual and Communal Experience in a Modernizing Italian Village


Culture, Process, and Politics in Central Urbanizing Mexico

Dr. Geoffrey M. WHITE

Big Men and Church Men: Social Images in Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands

1970 Entering Class

Dissertation Title


Reasoning in Discourse: An Analysis of Trobriand Island Land Litigation

Dr. Michael French SMITH

Good Men Face Hard Times in Koragur: Ideology and Social Change in a New Guinea village

Dr. Shiu-kuen Fan TSUNG

Moms, Nuns And Hookers: Extrafamilial Alternatives for Village Women in Taiwan

Dr. William A. WEDENOJA

Religion and Adaptation in Rural Jamaica

1969 Entering Class

Dissertation Title

Dr. Peter W. BLACK

Neo-Tobian Culture: Modern Life on a Micronesian Atoll

Dr. Michael L. CHATFIELD

Interpersonal Conflict in a Colombian Town

Dr. Eleanor R. GERBER

The Cultural Patterning of Emotions in Samoa

Dr. Manisha Dasgupta ROY

Ideal and Compensatory Roles in the Life Cycle of Upper-Class Bengali Women
