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UCSD News Today 

Check out Dr. Keolu Fox's latest update on his research in  "An ethical way forward for Indigenous microbiome research"- This piece explores the complexities surrounding digital sequence information derived from the human microbiome and how it impacts both health and biodiversity research and policy discussions. It highlights the intersections between genomics, data governance, and international policymaking. The piece highlights our work at the Native BioData Consortium (NBDC) and the interactive art is pretty amazing.

Dr. Keolu Fox recently gave a  Darwin Lecture at the University of Cambridge, a lecture reserved for people who have made outstanding contributions to the principles of evolution and natural selection. What an incredible honor to be a part of that legacy! Past speakers include Dr. Stephen Hawking, Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, Dr. Karl Popper, Sir Walter Bodmer, Rose George, Andrew Fabian, and David Olusoga.


Explore the work of Graduate Student Isabel August and Anthropology Faculty Dr. Pascal Gagneux, Dr. Katerina Semendeferi, and Dr. Maria Caroline Marchetto in "Evolution of Human Susceptibility to Alzheimer's Disease: A Review of Hypotheses and Comparative Evidence".


Discover an insightful exploration of youth perspectives in the work of Graduate Student Giselle Sanchez and Faculty Member Dr. Janis Jenkins' article, "Social Media & Subjectivity: Adolescent Lived Experiences with Social Media in a Southern California Middle School."


Delve into the recent work of Emeritus Faculty Dr. Tom Levy, including "Sea Level Changes and the Locations of the ‘Missing’ Hellenistic and Roman Harbours at Tel Dor, Israel" and "Absolute Dating, the Bible, and World Cultural Heritage".


Learn more about Faculty Member Dr. Amy Nons' research in "Comparison of Race-neutral Versus Race-specific Spirometry Equations for Evaluation of Child Asthma," along with articles featuring work led by UCSD undergraduate and graduate students. See more below:


Unveil the powerful stories in Dr. Saiba Varma's newly co-edited book "Decolonizing Bodies: Stories of Embodied Resistance, Healing, and Liberation"

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