The Anthropology Major and Minor
Anthropology stands at the nexus between the social sciences, biological sciences, and humanities. It is dedicated to understanding the worldwide diversity of social institutions and cultural traditions, past and present, as well as to studying our nearest nonhuman relatives. Because there is increasing awareness of the importance of anthropological factors in domestic and international relations, as well as in a number of health-related fields, a bachelor’s degree in anthropology has become accepted as a valuable preparation for careers in law, medicine, business, government, education, and various areas of public service. Anthropology majors can qualify for a California teaching credential from UC San Diego through the Education Studies Program. The department offers a full range of courses in archaeology, as well as in biological, social, cultural, psychological, political, and linguistic anthropology. Courses include offerings that focus on building applied methodological skills such as genetic lab techniques, GIS, and archeological field techniques along with courses that focus on specific societies or regions of the world—especially Latin America, Asia, and Oceania—as well as more theoretically oriented topics. The department offers undergraduate major and minor programs, a senior thesis program, an undergraduate internship/Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice program, and a graduate program leading to the doctoral degree. Students also may enroll in archaeological field schools and study-abroad programs in the Mediterranean, Middle East, Latin America, and here in San Diego.
Here are the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees in Anthropology we currently offer:
- Archaeology (B.A.)
- Biological Anthropology (B.A.) , (B.S.)
- Climate Change and Human Solutions (B.A.)
- Sociocultural Anthropology (B.A.)
All courses must be taken for a letter grade of C- or better.
Anthropology Majors are unable to add an Anthropology Minor per department policy.
Declare Anthropology as your major or minor! Go to:
Click here tor learn more about the Anthropology Global Concentration.
Learn more about Study Abroad and Field School Opportunities here