Climate Change and Human Solutions Major

Major Overview
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges humanity faces today. We are at a turning point and must act. It is a global and local process--bringing wildfires to California, causing extreme heat and weather around the world, melting glaciers in the Himalayas and Andes, causing sea levels to rise in ways that endangered coastal communities and island nations, putting stress on communities, causing food and water insecurity, threatening health and well-being, posing special risks to the very young, the old, and vulnerable communities. Cities are seeking to adapt and prepare. Communities want to know what then can do. Societies around the world must find climate solutions, and leave no one out of the solutions they develop. We are proud to offer an innovative major in climate change solutions that will give students the knowledge and skills needed to help the world meet the challenges of climate change. It combines the unique ability of anthropology to work with people to collaborate on climate solutions with training in design and technology that provide essential hands-on skills, while bridging the local and global parts of the problem. For more information, please check out the video,
"An Archaeological Perspective on Humans and Climate Change" presented by Professor Isabel Rivera-Collazo and "UCSD Equity Exchange | Global Warming" presented by Aya Healthcare.
Course Requirements
3 Core Classes
- ANTH 101: Foundations of Social Complexity (Fall)
- ANTH 102: Humans Are Cultural Animals (Winter)
- ANTH 103: Sociocultural Anthropology (Spring)
4 Upper Division Concentration Courses
- Climate Change and Human Solutions (Begins Fall 2019): Anthropology courses as specified below:
- TWO of the following: ANAR 146, ANAR 166, ANAR 120, ANBI 132, ANBI 174, ANSC 134, ANSC 144, ANSC 147, ANSC 169, ANSC 184, ANSC 193, ANTH 105, ANTH 106, ANTH 108, ANTH 109, ANTH 111, ANTH 112, ANTH 120
- ONE of the following: ANAR 104, ANAR 115, ANAR 120, ANAR 121, ANSC 138, ANSC 183, ANTH 107, ANTH 112, ANTH/USP 128A & B (if taking the ANTH 128A& B two course series, one course will count toward your upper division methods requirement and one will count toward an upper division elective requirement. Since the two course series is 12 units, only three additional UD electives are required to fulfill degree requirements.)
5 Upper Division Electives
Additional Requirements:
- Upper Division Residency Requirement: Students must complete a minimum of seven major courses at UC San Diego.
- Overlaps: Lower division courses may overlap between your major, minor and college requirements. Students may overlap two upper division courses between your major and minor by submitting a request in the VAC (some courses may automatically overlap).
- A maximum of four study abroad courses may be petitioned for credit toward the major.
Degree Check
In order to plan out your Anthropology major and remaining courses effectively, please utilize the Degree Check below. Students are encouraged to review their plan and progress with the Department's Undergraduate Advisor.
Climate Change & Human Solutions Degree Check