Minor in Anthropology - Climate Change and Human Solutions

I. CORE REQUIREMENTS: (4 units/1 course)
All students will take the following:
- ANTH 110: The Climate Change Seminar
II. Upper Division Concentration Requirements: (12 units/3 courses)
All students will take three of the following:
- ANAR 104: Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- ANAR 146: Feeding the World
- ANAR 166: Introduction to Environmental Archaeology: Theory and Method of Socioecodynamics and Human Paleoecology (cross-listed with SIO 166)
- ANAR 120: Documenting Climate Change: Past and Present
- ANAR 121: Cyber-Archaeology and World Digital Cultural Heritage
- ANBI 132: Conservation and the Human Predicament
- ANBI 174: Conservation and the Media: Film Lab
- ANSC 134. Politics for Environmental Change
- ANSC 138: The Cultural Design Practicum: Using Anthropology to Solve Human Problems
- ANSC 144: Immigrant and Refugee Health
- ANSC 147: Global Health and the Environment (cross-listed with GLBH 147)
- ANSC 169: Culture and Environment
- ANSC 183: Visualizing the Human: Film, Photography, and Digital Technologies
- ANSC 184: Food, Culture, and Society
- ANSC 193 OR ANSC 193GS: (Global Seminar Course) Human Rights and Environmental Justice
- ANTH 105: Climate Change, Race, and Inequality
- ANTH 106: Climate and Civilization
- ANTH 107: Designing for Disasters, Emergencies, and Extreme Weather
- ANTH 108: Indigenous Peoples, Extractive Development, and Climate Change
- ANTH 109. Climate change, Cultural Heritage and Vulnerability
- ANTH 111: Religion and Ecology: How Religion Matters in the Anthropocene
- ANTH 112: Regenerative Science/Ecology
- ANTH 120: Climate Change in California: Problems and Solutions
- ANTH 128A & B (ANTH 128A & B is a two course series and will count towards two concentration requirements)
III. ELECTIVES REQUIREMENTS: (12 units/3 courses)
THREE electives Anthropology courses from any category. Two elective courses may be lower division
*Anthropology Majors are unable to add an Anthropology Minor per department policy.